I’ve decided today that I’m going to put the blog on hold until I come home after the 12 April. Wifi is so unreliable at the moment and as I’m so far behind in posting each day’s photos I’m going to take a break and enjoy the rest of my holiday. I will of course still be updating our Scrabble Tournament every day (when I can).
For those with Facebook access I will still be checking in from time to time and posting a few photos each day.
Loved reading your blog. We had to miss Milford Sound due to road closures. I wrote my blog and saved it until we had internet access then uploaded it. I was afraid I would forget what I did each day otherwise, especially as we were 8 months away.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog too Joan. I'll be back with mine in a week or so, I'm making notes each day but looking at the photos reminds me anyway. As much as I can remember anything these days!