Thursday, 9 April 2015

Day Sixteen to Day Twenty One

Various photos from the last few days including today’s drive from Murchison to Collingwood in Golden Bay.

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The Cardrona Hall and Church are reminders of the past and are landmark buildings in Cardrona.
The Cardrona Hall was constructed in 1879 as the local school and was once the biggest school in the Wanaka region. The school closed in 1954 due to declining numbers attending. It's was then gifted as a community hall and remains in the same condition apart from the bell tower which is now missing and the teacher's house which used to stand next to the school/hall.
The smaller church is even older with a colourful history. It began life as a recreation hall next to a hotel and was used for local dances and social events. When the 'All Nations' hotel burned down it was purchased by Mr Enright, a devout local catholic, and converted into Cardrona Catholic Church. With the growing population of Wanaka it was moved in 1952 before being replaced in 1985. Residents of Cardrona repurchased the Church and transported it back to the present Cardrona site where it's once again used for local social events.

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Haast Beach.


Hark, who goes there?


Browns Cows


The farmer and her herding machine.

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Lake Ianthe on the way to Hokitika.

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Unplanned night in Murchison after one of our front tyres gave up the ghost.

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Pea Soup at Cape Foulwind, haha quite appropriate!! Apparently there’s a lovely large ocean out there somewhere!


The ghastly new concrete lighthouse that took the place of the lovely old wooden one, Cape Foulwind.

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The Buller River after two days of rain, a lovely brown colour!

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Dead truck cemetery near Inangahua Junction.

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We kept on running into these Model T cars over about a week in the Wanaka/Arrowtown area.


Murchison Junk shop.


The Anglican Church of St Paul in Murchison.


A Chinese Toon tree outside our motel, or is it?


A Llama in Upper Takaka, Golden Bay.

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Rows of apple trees in Motueka.


Hops growing in Motueka.


Another pea souper up the Takaka Hill on the way to Collingwood in Golden Bay.


Someone loves Patsy.


This lovely old marble stone church was the St Peter Chanel Church before it was closed and became the Motueka Arts Centre.


St Barnabas Anglican church at Riwaki.


Oh oh Louise is at it again!


The noxious weed ‘Old Man’s Beard’, has taken over a lot of the forest in Motueka.


Two old Art Deco style buildings in Westport.

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More pea soup at Punakaiki.

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Punakaiki Pancake Rocks.

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A young Weka, NZ native bird.


Somewhere near Mahitahi.


What I thought was a church called 'The Church at Fox' turned out to be holiday accommodation.


The Bridge over the Karangarua River.

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