Friday, 3 April 2015

Day Eleven – Stewart Island

We arrived in Invercargill to rain and of course we were in a cabin where we had to run through the rain to the kitchen and/or toilets etc, not a good night and at our age a darn pain! Next morning we took a cruise to Stewart Island, neither of us were very impressed, to start with the cost of the boat trip was over the top and it didn’t include a meal, we also took a guided mini-bus tour which I think turned out to be quite boring but for the overseas tourist was probably what they were after. All in all a big disappointment except for the lovely Stewart Island oysters I had for lunch. The day cleared up eventually but by this time we were bored out of our tree! However, I was impressed with how clear the water was there and there was a lovely little church on the top of the hill.

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The Oman Presbyterian Church.


The South Sea Hotel where we had lunch.

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The Queen!


One of our native birds the Tui, not a good photo but I had to try for a shot with the camera settings I had before he flew away!


The party line!

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The southern most house in the world!

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Oman Beach.


A juvenile Seagull.

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